Worrying news is coming out for the fans of Tamil actor Vishal. The actor was injured in an accident during the shooting of the film.
Renowned Tamil actor Vishal is in eager anticipation of the forthcoming release of his film 'Mark Antony'. The actor shared an incident that happened during the shooting of the film,
When she and her co-actor S.J. Surya narrowly escapes an accident.
truck lost control
Speaking to the media on Wednesday, Vishal said about the incident, "We were shooting a sequence and it involved me and Suriya sir. We were both standing at our respective places and the truck that was coming towards us He lost control, but we just stood there frozen."
The actor was quite nervous
He continued, "I don't know who prayed for me. As soon as I saw the truck coming towards us, it suddenly turned and crashed, and we survived the accident without a scratch." They said,
"I asked the people on the set to give me a moment to collect my thoughts and calm down because I was really frightened after the accident."
The Hindi version of 'Mark Antony' will hit the theaters on September 22.
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